Getting cash with paid surveys is a very lucrative free-time activity for hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Many enjoy making money from a fun hobby such as taking paid surveys in their free time. Learn how to improve your cash-earning score with paid surveys online, from the comfort of your home. These success tips can make the difference for your cashbook if you know just how to master selecting the paid surveys to take.
1. Free survey sites or paid survey listings?
If you think that a paid listing of survey sites is better than the free ones, you are wrong. Quite on the contrary, free survey sites databases provide identical paid surveys online resources without charging you. In fact, you need not pay just for the opportunity to get access to a systemized listing of survey sites. You can obtain the same survey sites by searching yourself. However, since that would take you lots of time, it makes sense to join a free survey database.
2. Medium-pay surveys or high-pay surveys?
Many surveys companies advertise that you can earn some $75 to $200 an hour by taking surveys. This is true, provided that you get a survey that pays as much and takes you up to an hour to complete. Most surveys take approximately 10 to 30 minutes to complete, and depending on the level of complexity, the pay varies accordingly. The lengthier and more complex a survey, the higher its payout. However, companies rarely launch such high-payout surveys. Therefore, it’s worth it to complete most of the moderate-pay surveys while considering the $100 surveys a bonus.
3. Surveys for cash or surveys for freebies?
Most survey companies do not only pay cash, but also distribute prizes – free merchandise, free services, product discounts, gift certificates, bonus offers and more. Each survey company usually determines it cash and prize mix independently. Most survey companies also provide survey takers with additional incentives to earn cash and prizes. It’s entirely up to you whether you decide to take only the cash surveys or also the prize surveys. Some survey companies determine their respondent reliability score on the basis of cumulative participation in the free paid surveys that the company has sent, therefore, including the non-cash surveys as well. Therefore, if you entirely ignore the non-cash surveys, you might also end up being considered an unreliable survey respondent. When the time for the big-money surveys comes, the survey companies may not contact you if they consider you unreliable.
Paid surveys are a great option for people with lots of free time who would like some extra cash and prizes without much effort. Completing surveys takes little time, and is truly entertaining. Mastering the paid survey taker success tips above can give you a competitive edge in earning good additional income and prizes with paid surveys.
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